
Summary Banknote Recycling Study 2024

Towards the end of 2023, Royal Dutch Kusters Engineering carried out an extensive survey involving Central Banks globally in partnership with.

Summary Banknote Recycling Study November 2022

In recent months, Royal Dutch Kusters Engineering has conducted a survey among Central Banks and Printing Works worldwide. The investigation related.

Environmental re-use of shredded banknotes

The shredded banknote recycling process is often arranged depending on the volume of the banknotes, if these are shredded centrally or decentrally,.

The 5 pros and cons of cotton banknotes

Cotton banknotes; What are they made from? How are they made? How long do they last? Are they recyclable? In this blog, we will discuss their pros.

Turning cash into a natural resource; Recycling banknotes

The disposal of unfit banknotes doesn’t stop with the destruction and briquetting of the banknotes alone. There is still the remaining waste paper in.

Extracting, collecting and compacting the shreds of unfit banknotes

When destroying banknotes, both on- and off-line, a reliable solution to efficiently transport and collect the shreds is important. Especially in.

Shredding and Granulating; Sustainably Destroying Unfit Banknotes

The destruction of unfit banknotes in today’s world is primarily done through the shredding and granulating of the notes so these can be further.

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