General Business Principles

Our General Business Principles

General Business Principles (GBP) of Kusters Engineering BV - A Syntech Group member

In these General Business Principles the expressions 'Syntech' and 'Syntech companies' are used for convenience and mean the Syntech group of companies comprising Syntech Holdings b.v. (The Netherlands), Syntis b.v. (The Netherlands), Syntech International b.v. (The Netherlands), Kusters Engineering b.v. (The Netherlands), Kusters Engineering Pvt.Ltd. (India) and Kusters Engineering Inc. (USA). Kusters Engineering B.V. is part of the Syntech Group. The general business principles of the Syntech Group apply to all it's individual companies, including Kusters Engineering B.V. 

Underpinning Syntech's commitment to responsible corporate citizenship and the pursuit of a sustainable future — economically, socially and environmentally — the General Business Principles set out guiding principles on integrity and ethics in business conduct. They govern Syntech’s business decisions and actions throughout the world and apply equally to corporate actions and to the behaviour of individual employees in conducting Syntech’s business. They are subject to applicable laws.

The General Business Principles are not all-encompassing, but formulate minimum requirements of behaviour. They leave product divisions and country management free to specify further local rules of business conduct. To drive the practical deployment of the General Business Principles, a set of GBP Directives have been published, which are applicable to all employees. There are also separate Directives, which apply to specific categories of employees, such as the Financial Code of Ethics and the Purchasing Code of Ethics. The GBP Directives and the category-specific Directives form an integral part of the General Business Principles (jointly be referred to as ‘GBP’). The General Business Principles, which have been adopted by the Board of Management and approved by its Supervisory Board, are reviewed on a regular basis and revised if necessary.

Further guidelines can be found here.

Our declaration concerning the use of conflict minerals can be found here.