Kusters Engineering and the National Institute of Design announced a national competition — 'Value of Money' —. Ideas for putting currency waste to productive mass-market use have been invited from art and design students across India. The competition was launched by CM Vijay Rupani. The first round of the entries will be evaluated on June 20. Sylvia Laurensee, the strategic innovation manager of Kusters Engineering, said: "Through the competition, we are looking for ideas to implement industrial solutions for using the enormous amount of demonetized currency waste."
As a preliminary step, some NID students had explored possible ways of treating these currency shreds provided by the Indian office of Royal Dutch Kusters Engineering - into creative objects. The resultant outcomes were encouraging and welcomed by one and all and had fared in the media.
To take this initiative forward, KE in cooperation with NID have instituted the above competition. The objective of this KE Prize is to stimulate the development of ideas to transform briquettes of banknotes into value added products.
The competition will be open from 18th May 2017 and interested students will have to submit their first design proposal in the form of 3D renders with drawings and dimensions before 29th June 2017. The entries will be evaluated by a jury and the short-listed participants will be supplied with shredded unfit banknotes in the form of briquettes.